Thursday, April 30, 2009

The 10-Year Question

April 4th, 1999 was the first service of Christ the King Community Church, International. Happy Tenth Birthday to us! God has done some awesome things in ten years, don't you think? I think He's even shown off a little bit. There are now CTK groups in a number of counties, states and countries, and a few thousand people have been baptized. Praise the Lord!

One of the best questions I get is "How will CTK keep from institutionalizing?" I hear this question from leaders everywhere - in the U.S., India, Africa. It is actually comforting to me that so many people are concerned about the same thing. I usually answer, "I'm not sure, but I'm concerned about that too." None of us want to perpetuate a lifeless organization.

Because of the real threat of instutionalization, I am conducting an informal poll at the ten year mark of our first service, April 4th, 2009, asking, "Is God still at work in this story?" Please post your response at I am looking for feedback and examples. I am anticipating some good responses, but if the answer from your perspective turns out to be "No" I would want to know that too.